09 January, 2011

Habari! (Hello!)

Habari!! I'm in Africa!!!!!

The flights were pretty good, just long! I met up with two of the girls in my program during my layover in Amsterdam so that was really nice to get to know them, sit with them on the plane, and have them to go through customs with! The food was actually pretty good on the planes too, except I slept through the part when the served ice cream : ( I did have a little bad luck getting off the plane though. There was a group that I saw on my plane in Chicago who are vactioning here that I talked to when I landed. They were missing a lot of luggage, and I was also missing both of my checked bags. I guess when we changed planes in Amsterdam, the airline forgot to load all of our luggage, so it's still in Amsterdam : ( But hopefully it should be here by tomorrow night!

The house is so nice. I'm rooming with two of the girls that I talked to ahead of time, one was on the plane with me. We each have our own closet and we lucked out and got the biggest room! It's not too hot right now, but we'll see how it is in the morning. It was about 75 when I got off the plane. I haven't seen too much of the property yet, we get a tour of it, as well as the town, tomorrow. The dining room is outside though! One of the girls and I walked out to eat to get a bannana (first thing I ate when I got here! So good! But they're sooo tiny!) and all the sudden there was a big crash on the roof and I got a little freaked out by it, but it turns out, it was just a mango falling!!!


Janet said...

Eat some bananas and mangos for me! Yummm!

cdorton said...

Glad you made it safely. I look forward to following your adventure on this site.