22 January, 2011

Malaika (Angel)

Hi! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update! We only have one computer at the house with internet and trying to share that with 20 other people who probably check Facebook 50 times a day, makes it a little tough to get much time on it! But I did go into town and buy a USB with wireless internet for my laptop, so I'll be able to update a lot more easily now, it's just a little slow though! But anyways, where to start...

I've now been volunteering at the Orphan Center for two weeks now. I absolutely love all of the kids, but it definitely wasn't what I expected. The head teacher speaks very little English, and a lot of times, he is not even there, so the two other volunteers and I are left to completely teach by ourselves, when the majority of the class doesn't speak very much English either. It is very challenging and also frustrating not being able to communicate with the students very well. I was still really struggling with working there until the other day when our program director came and talked to us about schools. He said that here, education is number one, the most important thing for everyone here. He also told us,

"No matter where you are working, you are going to learn something. You will develop and grow, but it may be very challenging to get there. And know that the most important thing is making a child smile, because if you accomplish that, then that is really something big. You have already impacted their life and they will never be the same because of you. And that's something to be proud of."

After hearing that, I realized that no matter how hard it is to work with the students at times because of the language barrier, I can really do something big. I can make a difference in their lives. And that is the whole reason why I am on this trip. A former volunteer told us,

"You will get out what you put in. If you stand in the corner and say, 'I don't know how to do x or how to explain y,' you will lose out on the experience. Be willing to give everything a try, even if it means just holding a child's hand on a walk around the playground."

 I wish that everyone could meet the kids that I am working with,  They are so amazing! Nasra is so shy and will just walk around holding my hand, but she has finally started to open up and she has the most beautiful smile when she does. Michael is my little monkey boy. He always runs to me and will jump and climb all over me until I hold him. Angel is truly an angel. She has these big eyes and beautiful smile, and she is the most polite little girl that I have ever met. Colin is the rebel of the class. He does everything he can think of to misbehave, but he is so smart. He is always the loudest to answer questions and the first child to finish with his assignments. Angela is very timid, but when you get her giggling, she is always full of smiles. Miriam and Julianna are my two older girls. They are both ten. They are very good at translating for me, and they are also trying to help me learn more Kiswahili. This past week I taught them some American Sign Language. Within a half hour they could finger spell the alphabet, their names, and also describe their families. They were so excited to be able to speak with their hands! I was surprised by how fast they learned. They are very intelligent. Julianna wants to be a teacher, and Miriam wants to be a doctor. And then there is Jonah. He marches to the beat of his own drum. He doesn't listen to a word I say, but the second he gets upset, he curls up in my arms and starts to cry. And then when I try to put him down, he'll kick and scream until I pick him up again.

These are some of the most amazing kids that I have ever met, and I feels so lucky to have the opportunity to try and help them learn and grow.


1 comment:

Janet said...

I love this picture of Angel. You need to get one together with her.