22 February, 2011

Safari! Safari! Safari!

The other weekend, a few friends and I went on a four-day safari. It was absolutely amazing! We visited Lake Manyara, the Serengeti, and Ngorongoro Crater! The animals were beautiful!

We went camping for three nights. The first night was very nice. The tents at the site even came with beds in them! The other two nights we were sleeping in our own tents with mattresses that really didn't do much at all. Our last night it was so cold camping on the rim of Ngorongoro Crater that all four of us girls and our two guides were all crammed into a two person tent trying to keep warm! After we had all gone to bed and were sound asleep, the girl in my tent, Claire, jumped out of her sleeping bag and started getting very nervous. All we could hear was someone yelling for help and growling. We were both freaking out because it sounded like the growling was so close to us! We were finally able to fall back asleep at some point, but we found out in the morning that a herd of buffalo had walked through our camp during the night and was shaking some of our neighbors tents. Then a man in a nearby tent went to the bathroom during the night, but he forgot to zip it shut, so when he came back, a baby hyena was hanging out in there growling at him!

One of the days when we stopped for lunch, we started hearing everyone yelling. We turned around to the parking lot to see all of these baboons jumping into one of the cars...then we realized that it was our car! Thankfully they didn't steal anything from us though! : )

It was such a fun weekend with Claire, Stacey, and Jessica and our guides, Mussa and Hussein. We saw so many animals! There were lots of lions, zebras, wildebeests, impla, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, hyenas, buffalo, and many different types of birds. Definitely an amazing trip!





Jessica, Me, Stacey, & Claire

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