10 April, 2011

Baadaye Moshi!

Looking back on the past twelve weeks that I have spent in Moshi, they are some of the most amazing weeks of my life. I have seen, experienced, and learned more than I could have ever imagined here.

I came to Africa hoping and expecting many things, like gaining knowledge on the history and culture of the country and expanding my experience in the field of adoption, orphanages, and people with special needs. Of all of those things though, there is one that I never expected. I never expected to fall in love. To fall in love with a country. A culture. A community.

I have been told so many times by locals while I’ve been here to “be free. This is your home.” This is true more ways than I ever thought possible. After my three months, Moshi is home. Something about this place fits; I feel like I belong.

A lot of people have said to me “Take in every second of this because this is an opportunity of a lifetime.” I agree to an extent. Yes, this is an incredible opportunity, but I don’t think this is once in a lifetime for me. Three months is just not enough for me. I vow that someday, no matter what it takes, I will be back. I want to come back and help the people of Tanzania with special needs, people like Mary at the orphanage.

I know that when I get on my plane tonight, it is going to be unbelievably hard. I can say after twelve weeks in Tanzania, when I leave, I will truly be leaving a piece of my heart in Africa.

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